Terms of use

You can use this site to search the catalogs of Sellers on the platform to find products to purchase. Accessing the site in methods that implement denial of service attacks or in any other malicious way is not permitted. Information on this site cannot be scraped to resold or given to other platforms.

All product content on this site is from the Sellers and the sellers are responsible for the accuracy of the prices and content they provide. All other content is Copyright Avetti Global Services.

Each Seller has their own Shipping, Return and Privacy policy and this is shown on the bottom of each of the Seller's Product pages.

After you place an order you can rate Sellers on our site and the Ordena y Recoge Marketplace may decide not to post or remove your review if the content is not appropriate, or respectful or for any reason. Sellers that attempt to rate themselves may be banned from the site.

For all products that are listed shoppers that transact are creating an offer to purchase. The Seller can accept or decline the offer. Sellers may sell products for pickup and for payment in person or via Interac, or cash on delivery or other payment methods. Each seller may have a different approach to how they are paid. You are transacting directly with the Seller when you place an order. Products may also be sold via credit card payment and this may be direct to the sellers credit card payment processor. Sellers that supply products from their Shopify store will Invoice you after you order. If the pricing or product information on the site is determined by the Seller to be incorrect a Seller may decline your order.

Sellers cannot sell on the marketplace products with a high risk of return, medicinal products, guns, drugs, tickets or travel products, used products, or products that are illegal or inappropriate to the categories on the site. The Ordena y Recoge Marketplace may remove any listing at any time and ban any seller at any time for any reason.

We may provide links to the Sellers own website. We are not responsible for any content linked from our site or data or images seller upload.

If you see content that is inappropriate or if you have products that don't fit in the categories on the site, or if you have any questions about our policies please contact us in the contact us section of the Ordena y Recoge Marketplace site.

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