Sell in More Places by Listing in the Ordena y Recoge Marketplace for FREE!

Expand the reach of your business by listing on the Ordena y Recoge Marketplace. If you have Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce there is also nothing to learn as we can take a feed of products you choose to offer, update them daily so the prices and inventory are always up to date then send the order to your ecommerce store. You never need to login to another system to manage orders. If you dont have an ecommerce store we also provide simple admin pages to let you list your products to sell.

List your Business or Offer Your Products

You can create a directory entry with your business name and links to your social media pages or website to get more well known.

Or List up to 100 products that you are selling locally. You can also offer a service if can package it as a product with a defined price.

Ordena y Recoge is primarily a local marketplace where you arrange to meet with the buyer who will pick up goods at the list of pickup locations you specify such as local Farmers' Markets that you participate in, or your farm, home or place of business.

Got an Ecommerce Store already?

If you have a Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce ecommerce store you can simplify things even more by sending a datafeed of products and inventory from your store to the marketplace. Just email us and we can send you a link so you can setup the api connection so that products in a specific category are sent and updated daily to the marketplace.

Shopify users can also install the Supply Ordena y Recoge app on the Shopify Marketplace which reduces setup to a few clicks.

Managing Orders

When an order occurs we will advise you via email and if configured send the order to your Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce site.

You can then invoice the customer, or get paid when the customer picks up their order from you.

If you don't have an ecommerce solution you can login to your admin portal and manage your products and view any orders.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions you can email us at [email protected] and we will respond to your questions via email or we can schedule a zoom or phone call.

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